Starting from:


2024 - Covington, AL Tax Sale Results

This file contains all data fields GovEase collects from the tax sale, including but not limited to: 
Winning Interest Rate Amount 
Winning Bidder Name 
Total Taxes Due (Face Value) 
Unique ID (PPIN, Receipt Number, etc. This depends on the backend provider of the county) 
Parcel # 
Auction Start/End Times 
Specific Field Descriptions: 
county_db_identifier1 and county_db_identifier2 (Column F & G) are the Unique ID fields for the parcel (PPIN, Receipt Number, etc.) 
location (Column AK) is the Parcel Address field 
name1 (Column AU) is the Property Owner field 
addr1-addr6 (Column AV-BA) are the Property Owner Address fields